
Posts Tagged ‘zig(zagged) scarf’


I have finished knitting a favorite stash-busting scarf.  It is a narrow knit version of a ripple afghan.  Because it has many stripes, it is possible to incorporate some wild colors into the same scarf, even thought this isn’t a strong example of that.  One this one, I started with black, worked halfway, did another black stripe and then mirrored the stripes back to the end.  It’s a great way to eat away at those single skeins that I have been given or just seem to be hanging around.  People who are not homeless like this pattern, and I hope the homeless person who chooses this scarf will really like it.  It hope it is comforting as a mini-afghan.  Tomorrow I plan to weave all the tails in–two per stripe.

Here is the link to the zig(zagged) scarf, if you would like to make one:http://bitsandbobbins.com/blog/2007/03/18/zigzagged

Here are two pictures my DS took of himself in his Christmas hat.  2.000 words and then some.

Photo on 2012-12-25 at 14.49

Photo on 2012-12-25 at 15.10

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