
Archive for the ‘Warm Heart Hand Knits’ Category

Today I will think about the good people in my life who died in the past year and other dear ones who died longer ago.  It’s more special to me than the candy holiday.

I’ve been preparing for the upcoming darkness and cold.  Monday I took the plants I had moved to my back porch and gave them pots for the winter.  I have three large pots of Scarlet Begonias–thank you Grateful Dead–and one long rectangular pot of pelargoniums.  That’s geraniums to you who don’t spend as much time as I do reading books by British authors.  The pelargoniums and asparagus fern are correctly situated for the light they require.  I’m going to have to keep an eye on the begonias.  I foresee that they will need to be pinched back seriously.  All my annuals this year were purchased with the idea of overwintering them for next spring and enjoying more green indoors during the winter.

My guys have been tackling the leaves.  I have the bird bath and a fancy coal scuttle to take into the garage yet.

Along with the winterizing, comes more tea drinking.  I’ve been listening to Celtic music–even a Celtic Christmas CD.

I have been going through boxes of files I have in the garage and pitching paper like mad.  I am ready to make my fourth trip to the paper recycling dumpster nearby.  I still have more boxes to go through , but I’m not saving much.

Warm Heart Hand Knits, my knitting business, will have a table at Wesley United Methodist Church’s Trees and Treasures craft sale on Saturday.  WUMC is located on Galena Blvd. at May St. in Aurora.  The sale is from 10 am to 3:00 p.m.  After four months of selling outside, it is going to be a treat to be indoors.  My favorite thing is to knit custom orders.  I hope this sale brings me more knitting orders.  A separate room of this sale will be gently used Christmas decorations.  Reuse.  What an excellent idea.

I have been finishing things and whipping up a few small things.  Mostly I am ready to go.  I have been wrestling with a tricky project.  After ripping waaay back on the first one, I have almost finished the second.

On a lighter note, there were some tall CD spindles hanging around this weekend, and I grabbed one to hold my skein of yarn.  Way to unwind!

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