
Archive for January, 2013


I have finished knitting a favorite stash-busting scarf.  It is a narrow knit version of a ripple afghan.  Because it has many stripes, it is possible to incorporate some wild colors into the same scarf, even thought this isn’t a strong example of that.  One this one, I started with black, worked halfway, did another black stripe and then mirrored the stripes back to the end.  It’s a great way to eat away at those single skeins that I have been given or just seem to be hanging around.  People who are not homeless like this pattern, and I hope the homeless person who chooses this scarf will really like it.  It hope it is comforting as a mini-afghan.  Tomorrow I plan to weave all the tails in–two per stripe.

Here is the link to the zig(zagged) scarf, if you would like to make one:http://bitsandbobbins.com/blog/2007/03/18/zigzagged

Here are two pictures my DS took of himself in his Christmas hat.  2.000 words and then some.

Photo on 2012-12-25 at 14.49

Photo on 2012-12-25 at 15.10

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2013 Make it Happen.  I saw that out there in Cyberia and really like the idea.  I was lying in bed not falling asleep and so I turned my thoughts first to knitting and then to Make it Happen.  There are many things that must happen this year.  Instead I found it more fun to turn my mind to deciding if there is a place near or far that I would like to see again, or if this is a year to go to one of those places I have always wanted to visit.  I can think of places not very far from here in both categories.  What will you make happen?

The twelve days of Christmas are over.  Epiphany is past.  The tree comes down today.  I will miss those lights.

I have been studying sock making.  I have several books and a DVD from the library plus info from the internet and YouTube.  Since I often have to adjust the numbers on patterns for my loose gauge, I have now learned the formula for doing short rows on the heel turn no matter what the number of stitches is.  That is what I really needed to know.  I will report further on how it works.  Many things in knitting are amazing and mysterious until one learns how to do it.  All summer long people told me, “I don’t have the patience to knit.”  Maybe not.  I don’t believe it.   But since I want to sell what I knit, I say, “Let me knit for you.”  I had a male colleague who learned to knit because he enjoyed watching me knit, and because it would bother his father-in-law.  In one conversation we had about knitting I said, “It’s a matter of reading and following directions.”  Experience does give a knitter confidence to tangle new things, but mostly it’s reading and following directions.

I received a hand thrown pottery knitting bowl as a Christmas gift.  It was a gift from one of my dearest friends, and she bought it right under my nose.  She also knew the potter.  That must have been fun for her to be so sly.  I was very surprised and delighted.  Here are two pictures.  Pottery and yarn– a wonderful combination.  Thanks, MLC.



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