
Posts Tagged ‘spinning wheel’

Original hat

Original hat

My version of the boob hat

My version of the boob hat

These funny little hats for nursing babies are all the rage.  I have a friend who is a doula.  She knows lots of nursing babies and their mothers.  I made this for her to give as a present.

There are many patterns out there.  The very first one I saw was crocheted.  After some days of research, I took the best bits of several patterns to come up with this knit version.  I am quite happy with it especially since there are no lines of decreases on the main color.   I think the patterns in crochet and garter stitch are too lumpy to represent skin.  The best features of my hat:  stockinette stitch and three colors.

Please consider me your source for all your Breast/Boob hat needs.  I can make them in your choice of colors in sizes from newborn to adult.

My spinning wheel is fully operational as of tonight.  A big thank you to my shy friend Mr. Fix-It.  I will have more to report about spinning soon.

My DS and his friends played music at Culture Stock downtown on Saturday evening.  A talented young lady was giving henna tattoos.  I have a henna tattoo on the top of my right hand that is a cross between a snowflake and a sunburst.  Just the thing for February.  Our friends Bill and Deb came out and we had a great time with them.  We even had our own sitting area with a couch.

I will be teaching a beginning knitting class on March 2 at 2 pm and another on March 5 at 5:30 pm at Culture Stock.  If you are local, and don’t know how to knit, I invite you to join us.  If you don’t want to learn to knit, you can come and check out their selection of used books and say hello to me.

DS is keeping us very busy.  This morning he was honored, along with all students who had a 4.0 GPA last semester, at a breakfast at school.  He has some school concerts coming up.  And this weekend he will be a waiter at the Lombardo Bistro at church.  I get the feeling that things are going to speed up from the next concert until his graduation on May 19.

Stay warm.  Battle cabin fever.  Enjoy the days growing longer.

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