
Posts Tagged ‘book review’

Steege.Gwen.   The Knitter's Life List.  North Adams, MA: Storey Publishers, 2011

Steege.Gwen. The Knitter’s Life List. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishers, 2011.

Recently I borrowed The Knitter’s Life List by Gwen Steege from my local library.  For knitters who don’t immerse themselves in knitting TV shows or Interweave products, this is a great overview of the who’s who and what’s what of knitting.  I was very proud of how much I was already familiar with.  When I gave it a closer look, I realized that it was a great book for inspiration and information.

But let me tell you about my first glance.  No one makes life lists for me.  I am so independent that I usually don’t like books that tell me where to travel or what to do.  I have always had plenty of my own ideas.  Often I look at must-do lists only to see how much I have already done.

To give Steege full credit, each section has a place for the owner of the book to add to his or her own list.  The author really only meant it as a starting place.  There are a few things in the book that I will never try, just as there are some foods that I will never try and some daredevil things I will never do.  After spending more time with the book, I know that I will go to the book again when I am in a what-shall-I-do-now mood.  I may take it off  shelf and glance through it and leave it there, or I may take it out again to get a several fresh ideas for my knitting.

Everyone should have a life list for his or her hobby.  I already had one going.  On the expensive end, I would like to scout knitting delights in Ireland and Peru and Iceland, and then run tours for others.  No, not all in the same trip.  One country at a time.  On the less expensive end, I want to master sock knitting and knit myself a clapotis.  I have had the joy of teaching one knitting class, but I would like to teach more people to knit.

For this week’s new thing, I have cut strips of newspaper so that I can spin some paper yarn.  Then have to be dampened before they are spun.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

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